
Punk!England x Goth!Reader part 4 Chase and Hide

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~~~~~Arthur's POV~~~~~

My grip tightened on _______'s arm, bringing her closer to me. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her again. The heat of my anger boiled through my entire body. I wanted him dead. I wanted to kill him for laying his filthy hands on _______. He may be my brother, but he had gone too far.

"Alfred, I will kill you if you don't turn around and leave _______ alone."

"I ain't leaving without her! You don't deserve her."

I could feel _______ becoming scared. Her pulse was throbbing within my grip on her arm. I pulled her closer to me with my arm around her, protecting her from my brother. I could feel her innocent burning through me.

"Arthur..." She froze in my arms. I knew she was afraid of Alfred.

"You stay behind me..." I demanded.

My grip loosened from her arm and I pushed her towards my back. Alfred came forth and pushed me back, but my feet were firmly planted to the ground. I looked back at _______ and demanded her to stay back once again. I didn't want her to see me get beat up by my brother.

She turned her head to the cemetery and ran. Within seconds she was out of sight. Alfred was preparing to sprint towards her but was block by my arm and flung to the ground. I nearly knocked the glasses off his face. While Alfred was unconscious, I ran in _______'s direction to find her.

I wandered aimlessly around the murky mist of the restful dead, looking for her. I couldn't find her. Oh, where could she be? That was until I found her sitting on one of the stone benches that aligned the walkway throughout the cemetery. She was crying.

"_______?" Her head perked up to the found of my voice.

"Arthur, I'm afraid of him."

"I know..." I had no idea what to say. Was there even a way to comfort her at a time like this?

Her (e/c) eyes swelled with so much fear and hurt and fresh tears tumbled down her pale cheeks that were illuminated by the midnight light and small lamps that sat near the graves. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her in hopes that it would provide some sort of comfort. Her face was buried in my leather jacket as her hands gripped my shirt for dear life. I stroked her dark hair and let my chin settle atop her head.

"I'll never let him get to you," I promised.

Her crying died down some and her face came out for me to see. Her makeup was running a bit and I wiped away the smudges and smiled.

"Come on. Lets go home." I grasped her hand and lead her to my car.

"We're taking the opposite direction, right? I don't wanna deal with Alfred."

"Of course."

~~~~time jump like totally, yo~~~~

_______ was silent the entire way to my house. I didn't want things to be awkward like this to I asked her to text Kiku to make sure that Alfred never stepped foot inside. He was no longer welcome home after the way he treated _______. And after what happened that night, hell no! If he ever stepped foot in my home he'd be as good as dead.

"Kiku said he'd be there asap." Her voice drew me out of my deep thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, thank you."

She was silent for a moment. That silence was agonizing to me as each second slipped by until I felt her hand touch mine. I let that hand release itself from the steering wheel to lace my fingers with hers and I pulled over at the side of the rode.


"I want you to understand something, _______," I began. "The reason why Alfred is behaving like this might have something to do with my past with him. You see, as we were growing up Alfred began to drift away and, how do I put this, do his own thing. He grew jealous of me because all the girls in school fell for me and not him. When he tried talking to the other girls they rudely turned him down and went after me instead. I felt bad for Alfred and so I rudely turned them down and said that they should've been polite to my brother. Then when you came to our school I was a little...nervous about talking to you."

"You didn't really seem that nervous then."

"Well, I was because you didn't seem like the other girls and I wanted to get to know you better. I just felt so stupid then."

She reached for something in the back of the car and pulled out a notebook of done sort. That notebook, the one she was writing in the very first day I met her. The one she told me not to read. She handed it to me.

"At my previous school, I didn't have many friends. I was an outcast. Then I got a boyfriend. He was the sweetest thing in my life and the only thing that I looked forward to seeing. That was until he invited me over to his house. All his friends were there and they were drunk."

She started crying again. I already knew where this story was going and I didn't want to hear it. Not because it disgusted me, but because it hurt me.

She shoved the notebook into my chest and sobbed even louder. "They called me a worthless whore and..."

She choked on sobs that threatened to burst her throat. "_______...shhh." Her crying didn't seize. "Hey, that was in the past. You're here now. You have someone to protect you."

She wiped away her tears and looked up at me then at her notebook that was sitting in my lap.

"Arthur...please read it."

I looked at her. Was she serious? Was she asking me to read her personal writing? I flipped the cover open and was met with beautiful scribbles that formed words that made me hurt inside.

to be continued...
Don't question the way I write my stories. Please. Thank you.

part 4Star! 

part 5

part 6

more to come...
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